Heat and pressure equipment

Steam and hot-water boilers operating on oil and gas

Pipeline valve stations for natural gas, methanol, nitrogen, and oil

Pumping and pre-heating units for heavy fuel oil

Oil-based cooling systems for water turbine plants

Liquid filters for district heating systems

Feedwater, condensate, and blowout steam tanks

Heat exchangers and heat-transfer stations

Condensate pump stations

Steam traps, steam headers, condensate vessels, sample-coolers, and sample-cooling stations

Gas, steam, and oil pipelines

We meet your needs with comprehensive service

The extensive experience of our staff, spanning over 30 years in design and production, is reflected in every product we manufacture. Our in-house design capabilities and strong expertise in mechanical engineering products enable versatile and flexible operations. Over the years, the growth of our skills and professionalism has also led to new product development innovations. Customer satisfaction and the high quality of our products are a matter of pride for all of us.”

Tailored solutions and in-house design

Electrical and automation installations


Varaosapalvelut ja -huollot

Finished steel structures for support structures of pressure equipment

Contact us, and we will design a solution tailored just for you!


Sample cooler

Liquid filter


Oil pump station


Tubular heat exchanger



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Öljyn virtauslämmitin

Syöttövesisäiliö ja terminen kaasunpoistin

Syöttövesisäiliö ja terminen kaasunpoistin.

Sähkökattila höyryn tuotantoon

Sähkökattila veden lämmittämiseen

Sähkökattila veden lämmittämiseen.