1. Data Controller

Viitos-Metalli Oy Tähtiniementie 1, 18100 Heinola

2. Data Protection Officer

Kaj Sundberg, kaj.sundberg@viitos-metalli.fi, 044 722 2440.

3. Name of the Register

Contact Form Register

4. Legal Basis and Purpose of Processing Personal Data

The legal basis for processing personal data, in accordance with the EU General Data Protection Regulation, is the data subject’s consent. The purpose of processing personal data is to communicate with customers. The data will not be used for automated decision-making or profiling.   

5. Content of the Register

The data stored in the register includes the information that the individual enters into the contact form. The data is stored indefinitely.

6. Regular Sources of Data

The data stored in the register is obtained from the customer via messages sent through the contact form.

7. Regular Disclosure of Data and Transfer of Data Outside the EU or EEA

Data is not regularly disclosed to other parties. The data is not published.

8. Principles of Register Security

Care is taken in the processing of the register, and data processed using information systems is protected appropriately. When register data is stored on Internet servers, the physical and digital security of the equipment is appropriately ensured. The data controller ensures that stored data, as well as server access rights and other information critical to the security of personal data, are handled confidentially and only by those employees whose job duties include it.   

9. Right of Inspection and Right to Rectify Data

Every individual in the register has the right to inspect the data stored in the register and to request the rectification of any inaccurate data or the completion of any incomplete data. If an individual wishes to inspect the data stored about them or to request a correction, the request must be sent in writing to the data controller. The data controller may, if necessary, ask the requester to prove their identity. The data controller shall respond to the customer within the time specified in the EU General Data Protection Regulation.

10. Other Rights Related to the Processing of Personal Data

An individual in the register has the right to request that personal data concerning them be erased from the register. Requests must be sent in writing to the data controller. The data controller may, if necessary, ask the requester to prove their identity. The data controller shall respond to the customer within the time specified in the EU General Data Protection Regulation.